Ridge Trail - Sowie Mountains - Bardzkie Mountains (PL)

Come and discover the picturesque towns of Klodzko and Bardo and visit the beautiful peaks of two interesting Polish mountain ranges.

Challenge duration

The challenge is open and can be completed indefinitely from the date of publication.
since 1. 1. 2024


Theaim of the challenge is to walk and save a visit to at least 16 of the 18 peaks of this Polish ridge during 2024. The route measures around 45km and is ideal for 2 relaxing days. This challenge has been planned for you by Mykas.

Mykas invites you to the Góry Sowie - Góry Bardzkie Polish Ridge

Come discover the picturesque towns of Klodzko and Bardo, collecting all 18 beautiful peaks of two interesting Polish mountain ranges in two days. In doing so, you can discover the monumental railway viaducts, the underground towns of Osówka or Walim, camp in the largest mountain fortress in Europe, climb the lookout towers, sample delicious local cuisine in karczmas (restaurants), buffets, kiosks and lay your head in a schronisko (guesthouse) or in a multitude of shelters. You will experience the bustle of the Owl Mountains, meet owls of all shapes, species, sizes, but also the more deserted places of the Sowie Mountains Landscape Park and the wilderness of the Bard Mountains await you. The deep valley cuts of the Klodská Nisa River in Bard or the climb to the stone lookout tower on Wielka Sowa (1015 m) will definitely get you.

I recommend choosing the town of Klodzko as a starting point, where you can easily return by train after finishing the ridge in Bardo. It is best to choose the train from Klodzko to Ludwikowice Kłodzkie or one station further to Swierki Dolne. From both villages you can walk through the village of Sokolec to Wielka Sowa and the Owl Mountains. From the town of Bardo Ślaskie it is a short train ride back to Klodzko. As far as I know, the bus doesn't go anywhere, but maybe you will discover something. Good luck

The Owl Mountains form a distinctive ridge easily visible from e.g. Broumovské výběžek. They are 2.5 billion years old, so they are one of the oldest mountain ranges in Europe. Their bedrock is mainly made of rutile. During World War II they were the most guarded place in Nazi Germany. Huge underground facilities were built, flying saucers and other top-secret projects were to be tested here. Is the oft-mentioned armoured train full of gold hidden here? What remains hidden underground? There are no limits to the imagination of tourists, especially from Poland. Krajoobrazowy Park Gór Sowich was officially established in 1991 and today it is crowded with people, mainly between the lookout towers at Wielke Sowa and Kalenica, and in the east at Srebrnogórzka Fortress, but otherwise the mountains are rather deserted despite the well-marked hiking trails. Compared to the Owl Mountains, the Bard Mountains are much wilder.

Peaks in mapy.cz


To complete this challenge, you must follow the general rules.

Your progress and challenge details are available in the premium version.
3 960
5 4 2. 1. 2025
Level 1
Hřebenovky jsou TOP výzvy - díky za ně. A na tuhle jen tak nezapomenu - od půlnoci do půlnoci.
4 5 24. 9. 2024
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Na výzvu jsem vyrazil s dalšími horobraníky, kteří si zde plnili 2. úroveň celodenky. Já vyrazil na trasu až ráno, ale též mi pak trasa zabrala dost času a došel do Barda skoro o půlnoci. Soví hory jsou pěkné, spousta výhledů po trase. Nejvíce se mi asi líbila Kalenica. Obrovský zážitek pak byla tvrz Srebrna Góra. Doporučuji navštívit. Naopak Bardské hory jsou jedna velká džungle a bylo to docela trápení. Nicméně samotné vrcholy z výzvy jsou schůdné bez problémů.
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4 5 10. 5. 2024
Level 1
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5 4 8. 4. 2024
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4 334
5 2 19. 2. 2024
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Výzvu jsme si naplánovali jako dvoudenní, už s přihlédnutím ke vzdálenosti. Opět jsem ocenila krásu polských hor. Poláci jsou k turistům vstřícní a taky jsme nikde nezaznamenali problém se psem. Hezká a zajímavá místa, velkým zpestřením byla pevnost Stříbrná hora, vřele doporučuji... jak pevnost, tak hřebenovku 😁 Mykas opět odvedl dobrou práci, děkuji za skvělý zážitek 🙂
1 582
5 3 4. 2. 2024
Level 1
Tuto výzvu jsem si naplánoval jako jednodenní. Nesmeky se zapotily :) a já taky. Bylo to těžší než jsem čekal. Škoda počasí. Občas déšť a mlha celý den. Někdy se vrátím. Moc zajímavá a krásná místa