Storyteller 2021

If you like to write about your adventures in the mountains, don't hesitate to share them with others. Write a story and win outdoor gear.

Challenge duration

1. 1. 2021–31. 12. 2021


Objective of the call

The aim of the challenge is to write a compelling story about your trip to the hills and to encourage other adventurers to visit the site. The story can be an interesting one - which focuses mainly on the description of the route and beautiful places along the way or an experiential one - where the description of one's own experiences, impressions, joys and sorrows prevails, but where the description of interesting places visited is not missing. So it's up to you whether you'd rather describe a beautiful route as inspiration for a trip for others or your own experiences to entertain and motivate you to adventure. The more engaging the better!


To complete the challenge you need to be a registered user of Horobraní with a full versionfor 2021. Your task is to take an interesting hike in the hills during this year and then describe it in your own words and put it in Stories. The rule is that the author must have taken the described hike in 2021. We are announcing three different categories:
1) Trek- we will reward the best story from a trek in the hills. The story should include a description of the trip and a few photos.
2) Fairy Tale Trip- this category is for children's authors and their parents. It must be a family trip where the child has some involvement in the creation of the story. He or she can take photos, plan the trip, or tell the story, which the parents will rewrite. The description does not have to be long, but there should be no photos. Please include the age of the author in the text of the story so we know it is in this category.
3) Popularity Award - the story is free format in this category (but must meet the challenge goal), the total number of hearts on the story will be the deciding factor (such our internal like system). Any internet user can vote for a story, everyone can vote only once. You can vote or give a heart in the bottom right corner below the text of the story. Sharing on social media and encouraging your friends and family to vote is allowed :-).


The Vypravech challenge is sponsored by the BOLL brand and the World of the Outdoors editorial team, so in addition to encouraging your creative spirit, you can also win prizes in kind. The Trek and Fairy Tale category will be chosen by our jury and the Popularity Award will be chosen by you, by your vote.
The winner of the Trek category will receive a BOLL outdoor backpack and a subscription to World of the Outdoors magazine.
The winner of the Fairytale Trip category will receive a BOLL children's backpack tailored to the winner's size and a subscription to World of Outdoors magazine.
The winner of the Popularity Award category will receive a prize package about Horobraní, a subscription to Svět outdooru magazine and fame on our Facebook page.
If there are other really nice and inspiring stories alongside these categories, it is possible that we will publish them on the World of the Outdoors website. Selected stories will also receive a subscription to World of the Outdoors magazine.

The beginnings of the BOLL brand, this is actually a beautiful story about golden Czech hands. In the 1980s, when there was a shortage of just about anything in the Czechoslovak Republic, Luděk Pravda had the idea to sew some clothes and equipment for the mountains with his own help. He borrowed a sewing machine from his sister and went to a neighbour who was a men's tailor for advice. He tested his first backpack on an expedition in the Julian Alps in 1985 and then used the experience to make other items. He sewed what he could for his mountaineering friends - backpacks, sleeping bags, saddles and clothes. Luďek enjoyed it, the demand grew and all this resulted in the founding of the company BOLL.
The company currently produces over 50 types of products, from backpacks for children, to school backpacks, backpacks for the city and for demanding hiking, sleeping bags and other accessories. Everything they do is guided by their basic philosophy: "to create things that bring people joy, make their lives more enjoyable, serve them well in the long term and use environmentally friendly materials."

BOLL places great emphasis on school backpacks, their ergonomics and quality. In fact, a child's torso in its smallness leaves no room for faulty design and inaccuracies. Therefore, if one wants to ensure that one's child does not damage his or her spine by carrying a heavy backpack, one must first and foremost choose the right well-fitting backpack and teach the child to carry and handle the backpack correctly.
You can find sophisticated and well-designed backpacks, including advice on how to choose the right one, on their website


To complete this challenge, you must follow the general rules.

Your progress and challenge details are available in the premium version.
3 2 16. 1. 2024
Level 1
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