Lowlander 2021

Challenge duration
Objective of the call
The aim of the challenge is to visit at least 100 different peaks up to 400 m above sea level this year. This challenge is mainly as an encouragement for those who do not have majestic mountain peaks around them, but are still enthusiastic mountain climbers.
To complete the challenge, you need to be a registered Horobraní user with the full 2021 version. Your task is to visit and log 100 different peaks in the app over the course of the year that do not exceed 400m above sea level. You can see your progress and how many users have already completed the challenge on this page. The Lowlander Challenge is supported by Thousand Thousands Publishing House, with whom we have been working since our inception.
In this challenge you can get themed book rewards from different mountain ranges in addition to beautiful hiking experiences.

The Tisícovky s.r.o. publishing house runs the tisicovky.cz website and offers many thematic editions focused on various Czech mountain ranges, lookout towers, rivers and water areas, railways, forgotten places or the already mentioned Czech thousand peaks. Thousands of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia is a long-term tourist project, the main purpose of which is to offer all admirers of our mountains inspiration for trips to nature while gradually climbing all our peaks higher than a thousand metres. And it is not an easy goal - after all, there are many hundreds of thousands of peaks in our country, so climbing them is a task for many years even for the fittest!
And how did the Thousand Thousands project actually start?
The main face of the Thousands is Tomáš Formánek, an architect and passionate hiker. He loves the Scottish Munros and it was there that the inspiration for the Czech project was born.
"We were inspired by Scotland, where already in 1891 Sir Hugh Munro, a surveyor and a great lover of mountains, published after many years of effort "Tables of the 3000ft mountains of Scotland", i.e. "List of Scottish mountains higher than three thousand feet". From the beginning he believed that his work would contribute to future generations of walkers, but little did he know that his idea would start a tradition for which his name would become invariably synonymous. It has happened, and even after more than a hundred years, people are still venturing into the rugged but beautiful Scottish mountains to climb the Munros - the more able with the aim of climbing all of Scotland's highest peaks one by one, and the rest with a desire to prove their ability at least occasionally.
We believe that there are tens of thousands of current and future mountain lovers in the Czech Republic too, so we have prepared the Thousands of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia project for them. All hikers can thus have a long-term goal of gradually climbing all our mountains higher than a thousand metres over the years.
The "Thousands of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia" project was symbolically launched on the first day of spring 2003 with a press conference at the National Museum in Prague. However, the official launch of the project was preceded by several years of gathering documents and detailed field research, as no thousand-meter peaks had been mapped in the Czech Republic to a similar extent and no official and complete list of them existed."
Now Tisícovky has had many years of successful existence and books and maps from the Tisícovky edition have been prepared as a basic aid for all those interested in climbing the Czech Thousanders, which can be ordered directly on the website.

To complete this challenge, you must follow the general rules.