Forest animals

Challenge duration
The aim of the challenge is to visit 20 (level 1), 50 (level 2) or 100 (level 3) unique peaks that have one of the selected forest animals in their name - wolf, fox, bear, deer, roe deer, hare.
On the progress page there is a large table with rows of individual countries and columns of animals. Each cell of the table shows how many tops of that animal you already have in that country and how many are available in total. If there is a dash in a cell, that combination is not available. You only need to visit at least one, e.g. Deer Hill, to see the whole cell of deer in the country light up green. This functionality is just for fun and to create your own challenges. The main goal of the challenge is to visit a specific number of peaks per level regardless of country and animal.
To complete this challenge, you must follow the general rules.
For each of the six selected animals, we create a special list of highlights that can be used to complete the challenge. We try to take into account all other languages so that the challenge can be done abroad.
The vertex must contain one of the selected animals in its meaning: wolf, fox, bear, deer, roe deer, hare. Of course, inflections are also included. However, since we will not manually go through 200+ thousand vertices, we will select vertices according to clearly set rules. So those rules may not 100% include all the names that should be in the selection. Similarly, there may be some extra vertices.
Below are the basic translations of the animals into all relevant languages. The automatic selection in each language takes inflection into account to some extent.
Table of translations
🦌 deer | 🦊 fox | 🦌 roe deer | 🐻 bear | 🐺 wolf | 🐇 hare | |
🇨🇿 | jelen | liška/lišák | srnec/srna | medvěd | vlk | zajíc |
🇸🇰 | jeleň | líška | srnec/srna | medveď | vlk | zajac |
🇵🇱 | jeleń | lis | sarna | niedźwiedź | wilk | zając |
🇸🇮 | jelen/košut | lisica/lisjak | srnjak/srna | medved | volk/vuk | zajec/zec |
🇭🇷 | jelen | lisica/lisjak | srnjak/srna | medvjed | vuk | zajec/zec |
🇬🇧 | deer | fox | roe deer | bear | wolf | hare |
🇩🇪 | Hirsch | Fuchs | Reh | Bär | Wolf | Hase |
🇪🇸 | ciervo | zorro | corzo | oso | lobo | liebre |
🇵🇹 | cervo | raposa | corço | urs | lobo | lebre |
🇮🇹 | cervo | volpe | capriolo | orso | lupo | lepre |
🇫🇷 | cerf | renard | chevreuil | ours | loup | lièvre |
🇭🇺 | szarva | róka | őz | medve | wolf | nyúl |
🇷🇴 | cerb | vulpe | căprioară | urs | lup | iepure |
🇳🇴 | hjort | rev | rådyr | bjørn | ulv | hare |
🇮🇸 | dádýr | refur | rådyr | björn | úlfar | héri |
🇬🇷 | ελάφι | αλεπού | ζαρκάδι | αρκούδα | λύκος | λαγός |
Many thanks for your help with the languages:
- 🇸🇮🇭🇷 Pavel z Plzně
If we got something wrong or if you want to help us improve a language, drop us a line and we'll fix the list.