Hearts Challenge 2023

A call to support all with multiple sclerosis and other diseases.

Challenge duration

28. 5. 2023


The main goal of the challenge is to remotely support and comfort all those among us who are struggling with a serious illness, but whose soul is still wandering in the mountains. So on Sunday, May 28, we will go to the mountains mainly for them. Much can be expressed through the photo attached to the climb.

If you want to participate in the challenge, climb any peak on May 28, take a summit photo with a heart or a sunflower (symbol of multiple sclerosis) and upload the photo to your climb. It can be a picture, a live flower, a heart made of stones or whatever else you can think of. This will let others know they are not alone.

The main idea behind the challenge is to spread awareness about multiple sclerosis. The challenge is a joint effort with Vanellus(respectively Jaroslav and Michaela) came up with the idea two years ago and it had a huge positive response. Also for this year, the official partner of the challenge is the ROSKA Union, which last year celebrated 30 years of existence, actively dedicated to all patients with multiple sclerosis and helping them to live a quality and active life.

The story of Míša and Jaroslav

Míša and Jaroslav have been active Horobraníks since March 2021. Míša has had an attack of multiple sclerosis and is plagued by mobility problems. Horobraní is an enjoyable way for her to keep herself physically fit.

Misha: "As an MS patient, after my ataxia (an active manifestation of the disease that temporarily limited my mobility), I really appreciated the opportunity to "collect" hills from about 300 m and gradually climbed an 800 m peak with the help of my husband."

Miša's story is not unique. There are many people among us whose serious illness has prevented them from their current active lifestyle and we would like to dedicate this challenge to them.

Jaroslav: "We really appreciate your work with the Horobraní app. It's fun :-) Especially when we are looking for hills that we don't know, where we haven't been and which a woman will be able to climb. This year's convalescence was much more cheerful for her thanks to Horobrani. We are also spurred on by the family challenge we have started with our siblings and their partners."

And why will we be trotting downhill on the last Sunday in May? Because May 30th is the global observance of Multiple Sclerosis Day.

What does the ROSKA Union help with?

What kind of disease is multiple sclerosis? It is a neurological disease that limits mobility, sensitivity and endurance, among other things. The patient's body gets tired quite quickly. Exercise is an important part of patients' lives and helps to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and delay the onset of disability. Movement in nature helps the mental and physical condition of patients and their family members.

The mission of the ROSKA Union is to help patients with multiple sclerosis and their loved ones to live a dignified and active life. It is the only such organisation across the Czech Republic that is close to patients with multiple sclerosis, thanks to 26 affiliated associations. These associations run regional centres for the specific needs of people with multiple sclerosis. These are counselling and contact points, and sufferers can also find exercise rooms, facilities for an internet PC club, language courses and so on. Equally important is the social work, including complete social and employment counselling and specific assistance.

ROSKA and its affiliated associations also directly organize recovery events - so-called convalescent rehabilitation stays, exercise, swimming and hippotherapy... And there is also awareness raising, educational events, publications and cooperation with doctors and other international institutions that deal with people with MS.

And where did the name of the ROSKA Union come from? It is a phrase formed from the initial letters of the disease - ROSA Sclerosis.

If you want to support the activities of the Roska Union financially, you can do so using this QR code through the portal Darujme.cz. Thank you


To complete this challenge, you must follow the general rules.

Your progress and challenge details are available in the premium version.
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