Jizera Mountaineer 2021

Visit 20 carefully selected Jizera mountains that are worth a visit.

Challenge duration

The challenge is open and can be completed indefinitely from the date of publication.
since 1. 1. 2021


Objective of the call

The aim of the challenge is to visit the following 20 peaks of the Jizera Mountains during the year, 19 from the Jizera Mountains and one from the Frýdlant Hills. The author of the challenge is Standa, a member of the team and master of the mountain database in Horobraní. He is a lover of the Jizera Mountains and Lusatian Mountains, which he has explored through and through, so he has chosen some real treasures for you.


Visiting the top of the challenge means climbing to the very top of the mountain and logging your visit in the Horobraní app. You must be a registered Horobraní user running the full version.

This way you don't have to specifically register for the challenge anywhere, you'll see your progress when you log in on the challenge page.


Our local brand Alisa is behind the Jizera Mountain Man challenge. The three successful mountain bikers can look forward to brand new Horobraní cycling jerseys. The draw will take place in early 2022 and those who are lucky enough to smile will be able to dictate their size.

Alisy is a Liberec-based manufacturer of sports jerseys and accessories that can outfit both large teams and small squads. They design directly to the client's specifications and can adapt. We can already put our name to it, because you will soon be able to wear their Horobraní jerseys and cycling jerseys too.


To complete this challenge, you must follow the general rules.

Your progress and challenge details are available in the premium version.
1 619
5 3 28. 1. 2024
Level 1
Nádhera! Byl jsem tady v Jizerkách poprvé a moc jsem si to užil. Ta krajina, ty balvanovité skály, daleké výhledy. Začal jsem o letních prázdninách a končil na konci září. Bylo skvělé toulat se měnící se krajinou, podzim na Brdu byl nejvíc! Mezi zasychajícím borůvčím ozářeným nízkým teplým sluncem, široko daleko jen já sám, byla to paráda. Děkuji! Moc se těším až se sem vrátím.