Range Trail - Malá Fatra (SK)

Walk the route along the individual peaks and discover the beauty of Malá Fatra.

Challenge duration

The challenge is open and can be completed indefinitely from the date of publication.
since 1. 1. 2023


The co-author of this challenge is our Slovak colleague 29February, who has prepared a beautiful route in Malá Fatra. Here he has written down some useful tourist information that will surely help you in planning your trip.

As the first ridge hike in Slovakia we invite you to Mala Fatra and as a challenge we have chosen the hills of its central part, i.e. the most beautiful that this mountain range offers. The beginning and end of the route is up to you, you can collect the hills from both directions or with the help of a cable car that will take you almost to the ridge.

The whole route Poludňový Grúň - Suchý takes approximately 2 km. 5 hours of time, you need to count the ascent and descent to/from the route, for which you need to allocate another 2-3 hours.

Refreshments and overnight stay is possible:

  • Chata Kľačianska Magura - off the main ridge, but suitable for ascent or descent, accommodation, meals.
  • Chata pod Suchým - right on the ridge - ascent or descent from the direction of Strečno - accommodation, food
  • Chata pod Chlebom - 30 minutes from the main ridge, beautiful renovated chalet, top quality cuisine, accommodation
  • Buffet Snilovské sedlo - refreshment at the top station of the cable car from Vrátná
  • Chata pod Grúňom - off the main ridge, suitable for ascent or descent, accommodation, limited choice of food

If you want to get a better idea of what a ridge climb on Mala Fatra looks like, be sure to watch this video with lots of useful information and beautiful footage from Horobranica Mishka, who completed the challenge in mid-July.


To complete this challenge, you must follow the general rules.

Your progress and challenge details are available in the premium version.
1 056
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