Perennial 2022

Can you complete at least 20 outings every month of the year? If so, you are a true mountain endurance climber.

Challenge duration

1. 1. 2022–31. 12. 2022


The aim of the challenge is to keep fit throughout the year and complete at least 20 hill climbs every month of 2022.

You can track your progress here on the challenge page. The actual evaluation of the challenge will take place in early 2023.

To give you an example, we've attached the completed challenge of three successful Horobraniks from last year (where the number of climbs was adjusted in January and March due to the lockdown):


To complete this challenge, you must follow the general rules.

Each month you have to log 20 climbs, and it's up to you whether it's on 20 different peaks or 20 climbs on the same peak. Every successful 2022 endurance athlete must have the following to their credit at the end of the year:

- 20 climbs each month*
- 240 climbs for 2022
* One month you have a joker and you don't have to hike the hills. But the other months you have to make up for it so that you have 240 climbs for 2022 at the end of the year.

The challenge is also open to new climbers who only started climbing during 2022. Here the rule of 240 summits climbed by the end of the year applies, with the obligation of 20 climbs for them starting in the month following the month in which they registered. The prerequisite is that the premium version is running at any time during 2022.

Your progress and challenge details are available in the premium version.
3 1 1. 2. 2024
Level 1
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1 868
5 4 28. 1. 2024
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5 3 16. 1. 2024
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20 výstupov mesačne už oddeľuje horobraníkov od Horobraníkov. Toto už nie je o občasných výletoch do prírody, ale cielené lovenie kopcov. Aj keď sa to na prvý pohľad nezdá, udržať si takúto aktivitu popri iných koníčkoch alebo povinnostiach aspoň 11 mesiacov v roku už nie je jednoduché.