FAQ (Frequently asked questions)

If you have an issue or if you are curious about anything, we might already have an answer for you here. If you don't find it, you can reach us at info@horobrani.cz.

The app does not work on Android 7 and lower versions

After the last v2.10 update, the app stopped communicating with the server on devices running Android 7 and below. We are working on a solution to the problem. Until we fix the problem, we offer a download of the previous version v2.8.4, which should continue to work.

I can't download other countries or I can't see the map base of the mountains.

It looks like some inconsistency in the application, but it can be removed very quickly. Just go to your phone settings, select the Apps menu here, find Hory.app and after clicking on it, find and press the "Delete all data including cash memory" button (or similarly named). This is a hard reset of the app, more effective than a simple reinstall, which deletes all previous settings of the app. You don't have to worry about losing your visits (you have them synced to your web profile, right? If not, do a sync before this whole step). After this reboot is complete, you'll still have Hory.app installed on your phone, but it will act as if you just installed it for the very first time, i.e. it will offer you an introductory tutorial, ask you to log in, and also ask you to download the map backgrounds of the peaks of the countries you want to see on the map. If you do all that, then everything should work fine.

This is what the default state might look like when downloading the map backgrounds of the mountains of each country doesn't work:

How can I earn bonus points?

Bonus points can be earned by completing a scored challenge or for a first ascent. Every year on the 1st of January the Hory.app map is "reset" and on all peaks there are 100 bonus points for this year's first ascent. You can see who earned the first ascent on the hill's web profile. Which peaks still have 100 bonus points available can be found on the Hory.app website in the MAP section. Here you have to set the summit filter (yellow funnel) to the current year and the summits where no one has been yet that year are blue.

How to see two-colour icons?

Thanks to the filter, you can set it to see the two-coloured (yellow-purple) peaks you visited last year and the all-yellow ones you visited this year. Just click on the funnel icon in the top right of the Map tab and set the filter for this current year only.

I can't see some of the peaks on the map.

You most likely have the filter turned on, which is the yellow funnel in the right side menu under the MAP tab. To deactivate the filter, click on it and then click the reset button. If you don't see the highlights of the whole country, you haven't downloaded the country yet. In the Settings tab, go to Offline Mountains and choose which countries you want to display.

I want to start completing challenges, do I need to sign up anywhere?

To complete challenges, you need have the premium version for the year, which is the annual fee that keeps the project running. That's it, no need to sign up for anything special. In the premium version, all challenges are "on" and also paired with your phone visits. It then automatically loads what highlights you've completed for each challenge. You can keep track of your progress on the individual challenge pages.

I got 2x or more points for a visit, what about it?

This is a permanent bug that we know about. Every once in a while we delete the extra points so that everything will line up properly. No need to contact us.

Do I need to register?

It's not necessary, but it'll definitely come in handy. By registering, you will be able to log in to www.hory.app and back up all your mountain hikes. That way you won't lose them if you change your phone, for example. At the same time, you'll be able to take advantage of the site's features, where you'll find photos, reviews, hiking information, leaderboards, challenges and more. If you want to use all the web features, you'll need to get the premium version.

What's in the premium version?

Premium version means access to all features, statistics and competitions on the Hory.app website. The full version of the mobile app is completely free. The app serves primarily as a tool for storing visits to the peaks, but all the action takes place on the website. You will find a lot of inspiration, photos, tourist information, the possibility to follow the activities of others, groups of mountaineers, participation in contests and other gadgets. You can read what you'll find in the full version here.

How do I get the premium version?

To activate the premium version, you need to pay an annual contribution of at least 200 CZK (or 10 €), but more if you want to support the project properly! Everything you need to know can be found on the website after logging in under the MY PREMIUM tab. You definitely won't regret it, thank you for your support!

I have a voucher for the premium version, how do I activate it?

The voucher carries a unique code that runs the full version for 365 days. It can be used during registration or after logging in on the website in the MY PREMIUM tab. Here, fill in the activation code in the voucher code field.

Can I change my nickname and profile picture?

Yes, simply. On the Hory.app website, after logging in, go to the Settings tab where you can change your nickname, profile photo, banner photo on your profile or the country you play in and you will appear in the leaderboard (max once every six months).

I forgot my password, can I change it?

To reset or change your password, visit the Hory.app homepage. Under the login form there is a link to set a new password.

Is it possible that I can't install the app?

Unfortunately, it is possible. There are many kinds of phones and versions of systems. The app is available for Android 5+ on Google Play and for iOS 11+ on the App Store. If your phone doesn't have enough requirements don't hang your head. You can also save visits via the Hory.app website (with the premium version active). Then you just need any internet browser with an internet connection.

Do I need internet on my mobile?

The main function, which is saving the visit when you reach the summit, works offline, so it's not necessary, but it definitely helps, because the map documents with hiking routes are only loaded when you're online. But you can preload them before a trip at home on WiFi by looking at the places you're going. The app also allows you to download a certain portion of the map tiles to be available offline by clicking on the download icon (the arrow in the square).
Some mountaineers also do this by opening two windows at once in the field - Mapy.cz (downloaded offline) and Hory.app. They go by the maps and save the visit in Hory.app at the top.

But the connection is necessary for logging in, syncing peaks and photos, and viewing closer details of the peak.

Is it necessary to have GPS enabled on my phone?

Yes. Without the GPS on, your position cannot be accurately determined and therefore you may have problems saving the peak. But you don't need to turn it on if you're at home and just want to scroll through the map.

I'd like to become the patron saint of an unnamed hill.

Within Hory.app we offer the opportunity to "adopt" your own hill (a peak without an official name), name it and

create a new full-fledged peak on the Hory.app map. It will get an icon, have a hill profile, others will be able to visit it, earn points for it, add photos and comments. All this without time limit. We'll issue a certificate to the new patron and if they're giving patronage as a gift, we'll send them a gift certificate.

This is for those who have an emotional connection to a place, want to give others an unusual gift or create a memorial.
Click here to find out more: Patron of the new hill

I can't get the mountain visits to sync.

There may be several reasons. The main one is to be logged in and online and then just click the sync button in the Visits tab. If that button doesn't work for you, you can also sync in the Summary tab, where you just do a swipe down gesture on the screen. You can check if everything is synchronized properly on your web profile.

I have a peak on the web map, but I can't see it in the app.

It's probably because you don't have the current mountain database downloaded in the app, which we release about once a month. In the Hory.app mobile app, just go to the SETTINGS - OFFLINE MOUNTAINS tab and update the mountains of the Czech Republic or other countries.

Is he coming to complete my exits from history (before Horobran)?

Unfortunately, this is not possible and applies to all users. Horrobraní is actually a game where the map is yellowed. If you could refill it backwards, it wouldn't be so fun :-). And besides, nice places are nice to look at again.

I forgot to save a visit at the top, is it possible to complete it?

I'm afraid you'll have to go there again. It's not in our power, even from a fair-play point of view, to supplement the visit in this way. Exceptions are unsaved visits in case of technical problems caused by us (outages, errors after an update, etc.).

My compass in the app doesn't spin.

It's very likely because your phone doesn't have a sensor for orientation in space at all. If it does, and it still doesn't work, let us know.

I found a vertex that has incorrect data.

You can report the error directly in the app. Just be logged in and click on the peak in the map and click on "Report wrong peak". There is a simple form to tick or describe what is wrong with the peak.

The map is missing a mountain.

We are still working on completing the database of mountains, hills and elevations, so it is possible that some of them have not been added yet. We are adding peaks that:

  • Alternatively, they only have a dimension without a name, but they are significant and there is a castle, ruin, lookout point, etc. on their peak that has a name.

Be sure to help us by reminding us of this peak (peak coordinates) by emailing info@horobrani.cz. Thank you in advance for your help.

Can I use the downloaded offline Mapy.cz?
Unfortunately, offline Mapy.cz cannot be imported into Hory.app, because it is a separate proprietary application.

How can I delete my profile?

Deleting an account is already a big deal, which is irreversible and therefore we don't have it set in the user settings. You can delete your account by emailing patrik@horobrani.cz from the email address you registered with. However, we don't recommend this, if you ever want to return to Hory.app you have to start from the beginning. A better option is to protect your privacy, which you can set in the settings, or to restrict photos and comments.

You can also request to delete your account through the mobile app by logging in under Settings - Profile. There is a button there, confirming which will send a request to delete the account.